
Thinkific App Store – Your Gateway to Better Teaching And Learning Experience

online course platforms May 07, 2021
Your Gateway to Better Teaching


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Are you in the hunt for a platform that makes online course generation and selling a whole lot more straightforward and successful?

Then Thinkific is just the website you need to invest in! Thinkific is the doorway to a successful transaction from fantasy to reality. Thinkific allows the users to create their online courses and generate a stable business.

Keep on reading to know how Thinkific and Thinkific app store will help you make your vision come to life!


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Introducing Thinkific

So you have several brilliant ideas in your pocket but nowhere to showcase them. You have vital knowledge that can be marketed to the masses while generating good revenue, but you do not know how to put it out to the world. Thinkific is the ultimate solution.

Thinkific is an online course and class creator that allows the users to create their unique, innovative, and informative lessons. Thinkific will be with you every step of the way to make your abstract ideas into a visionary master class.



Expanding The World Of Thinkific

Now that you have joined the Thinkific family, you might want to expand your horizons. Thinkific has recognized that everyone has their vision of the perfect course design. To further accommodate the needs, Thinkific has launched its app store, the Thinkific App Store.


Thinkific App Store:

The Thinkific App Store is designed for course designers and offers users complete freedom to carry your online view of the course if you wish. Build a personalized training environment that leverages the brand know-how.

Thinkific's Rising Stars, who are ready to take part in the online training sites searching for a way to grow/scale their company, either explore the platform choices or start learning which options they need to do so should indulge in the Thinkific App Store.




Getting To Know Thinkific App Store

When we say app store, we mean an app store dedicated to the Thinkific universe. Thinkific has provided its users with a platform where developers can create and sell apps to enhance the content creation experience in Thinkific.

Thinkific App store will provide you access to hundreds of apps that can help you get to that point. Developers are also able to develop and sell custom Thinkific software.

By doing so, they are entering a global market with more than fifty thousand successful trading makers. They have access to one hundred and sixty-five countries, having a chance to earn up to six hundred and fifty million dollars in trading revenue.



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Features of Thinkific App Store

The Thinkific App store has launched up to thirty apps (or more) to cover the four basic categories the course creators need help in to enhance their classes.

These categories include:

  • Course building (to enhance the student experience).

  • Community building (to provide a sense of belonging to people with similar interests and learning ventures),

  • Generating advertisements (to help out the course creators advertise their products to the general public),

  • Tracking audience interaction (to know what your audience likes the best.)



1. Build Courses - You can own the thrill of learning in a flash! Using Thinkific Apps, you can link to the applications that build the exact student interaction and impact you are looking for through your courses.


Users will have the power to create multimedia digital and collaborative lessons, encourage gamification to accelerate learning. Provide your students with tailored content so that there are no loops left!


Examples of the apps (available on the Thinkific app store) that can help you to build excellent courses include:

  • Motrain
  • Lessonspace
  • plaYEAH!
  • Zoom
  • Intercom



2. Build a Community - If you think that's not enough, users also have the option to interact with their students in real-time by hosting live sessions in video formats such as webinars. Users can build a community from the ground up, creating a space for students to interact and learn from the course creators.


Creating community spaces will allow you to expand your network. Users can undertake more students with trustworthy scaling approaches to their materials using the appropriate apps.


Examples of the apps (available on the Thinkific app store) that can help you to build a strong community include:

  • Mailchimp
  • ActiveCampaign
  • Capture
  • DropInBlog



3. Build Advertisements - Users have the choice to plug their blogs into the class pages directly and place other promotional campaigns that have a personalized touch to them without the extra work! These promotions will be a great aid to selling more courses.


Users can choose the marketing strategies to drive the traffic towards their courses and sell and commercialize those courses around the clock for the ads. This ad strategy will help users to boost their classes and generate more revenue and audience.


Examples of the apps (available on the Thinkific app store) that can help you to build high-quality campaigns:

  • Shopify
  • eWebinar
  • CartStack
  • Typeform



4. Track Your Audience Interaction – Course creators will have the power to check out the analytics of each course/ class. This analysis will allow course builders to identify their students' behaviors, expectations, and needs and adjust accordingly.


Examples of the apps (available on the Thinkific app store) that can help you to track your audience's interaction include:


  • Google Analytics
  • Segment
  • Mixpanel



The Developer-Thinkific Relationship

The company is offering early development partners to own a hundred percent of the income gained from the first six months of selling their software. Following that, the company will deliver one of the most favorable revenue-share plans in the market. It includes the promise to pay developers eighty-five percent of the selling of their applications and software.



Why Choose the Thinkific App Store?

Thinkific helps to contact the clients directly with developers, giving them the freedom to create the vision they have for their market. They can supercharge their success now much more quickly, even without technological expertise.

Users can customize their course and other educational offerings more thoroughly, advertise and automate their business processes with top-notch quality.

The Thinkific App Store's goal is to allow course designers to play a vital role in their story of advancement in their business venture.  Developers will keep up with the incredible demand of course makers.

The app store would be the answer to satisfy everyone's needs, whether they only begin or offer lessons to millions of people worldwide every week. The Thinkific team is proud to create an environment in which high-quality apps from those with knowledge of demand enable their content creators to flourish.



Thinkific App Store Offer

Right now, you can sign up for the Thinkific App Store and get free access to a trial of the Pro + Growth package the app store. This offer includes unlimited courses and students, two website admin accounts, Advanced personalization, Advanced course pricing, and so much more!



Final Thoughts:

The Thinkific App Store is the answer to the prayers of course creators who wanted their lessons to reach their maximum potential. Thinkific has provided a platform for developers to showcase their apps to the content creators to create a workflow harmony.

The combination of the Shining Stars (course creator), developers, and the Thinkific team feedback has produced a hub for applications that can take your online courses to the next level of success. It will never be this easy to turn your classes into a booming business.


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