For those who know may, it was clear how I went from an 8-to-5 employee to an Entrepreneur helping thousands of others building their own business. But before doing all these and gaining that level of confidence, I experienced a lot of ups and downs. A lot of scary thoughts about the future of family including two children as well as my own life. Yes, life sometimes forces you to make decisions that are hard and risky but it wants to teach you one important lesson: If you want to learn how to fly, you have to jump…

Hard choices with passion
Entrepreneurship is not an easy choice in life. Actually, it is one of the hardest choices that you make, especially when you start.
ou choose to be there all the time with no vacation. You are there all the time just because you are the heart of your business. But if you love what you do, you are always with your passion and so,…
you enjoy all the time!
It was not easy to just quit my 8-to-5 job and make a living.
It did not happen right away. I experienced so much self doubt and sadness and hope was the only thing that kept me alive.
I spent so many hours in front of computer working hard on every single piece of this puzzle without getting paid for it, because I knew that I am just investing in my life.
It was not easy to convince my family that we are not far from success and we should just keep doing what we were doing for another couple of weeks or months.
Sacrifice is part of this deal, and it starts with you. No watching TV, not much family gatherings, and the worst one, not much playing with your kids, but I knew it is just temporary.
At the start of it, everything was crazy slow, and subscribers were being added every couple of days and I was checking the list time to time, so I remembered them by their names.
But it happened eventually...

Over the years, I’ve developed a reputation for teaching things “action-by-action”.
I learned how to automate my business in a way that I would not miss any family occasions, playing with kids, taking care of myself, and so on in a way that it started to grow without me being there all the time.
I also learned that the best approach for me to grow is to help others grow on this path, by providing them all the tools and advices that need, and it worked. Do you know how I helped them? Show them not only the first steps but also all the steps in the path of Entrepreneurship (the bigger picture).
Are you ready to change your life and start a successful online business?
I believe you are just because you are still here reading my story, and you feel you could be another online business owner like me.
That’s why you want to leave your 8-to-5 job and be your own boss, just because you feel the power within you.
Because you are ready to sacrifice for better good, your future and your families’.
You have found (or trying to find) that passion inside of you and you think it will guide you through this path.
You are ready to invest in you believing that it will pay off very soon.
You are still reading this because you know that you are willing to do the work but you just seek for help to make the start as smooth as possible.
So I guarantee you that all your efforts will pay off if you learn these steps.

Get Started with Building Online Courses
Secrets of Making Best
Online Courses in 2021

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In order to succeed, not only you need to take the first steps, but you also must be able to see the rest of the path ahead of you in order to see the bigger picture and to know why you need to take these steps. Are you ready to see the bigger picture and take the first step?
Show me the path!